I have not yet read Dr. Richard Wright's Sex Offender Laws: Failed Policies, New Directions. But I ordered a copy yesterday. If I were a lawmaker in Virginia or a member of U.S. House Judiciary Committee, I would have a copy given to me gratis. A Virginia advocacy group has made its mission the education of lawmakers and has either hand-delivered of mailed copies of the book to lawmakers.
The Virginia groups is called, simply enough, Reform Sex Offender Laws, or RSOL. It is one of a series of statewide organizations united under that banner. This latest lawmaker education campaign is a stroke of genius that should be replicated elsewhere.
Virginia lawmakers are this term neck-deep in proposed legislation regarding sex offenders. Among the bills being considered are calls for civil commitment, new laws against sexting, legislation to ensure compliance with tht federal Adam Walsh Act, and other measures. Typically, there is little debate about passage of such bills. Proponents promise to get tough on crime, hitch their proposal to the latest sensation news story they can find, and then date someone to oppose measures designed to keep the streets safe for little children. It is no wonder in such a climate that the laws regarding sex offenders have become an unintelligible mess.
Virginia RSOL is doing something about it. It is working to educate lawmakers about the consequences of passing laws without worrying about the consequences. Other states should consider following suit.
Here is a list of Virgnia lawmakers who received a free copy of Dr. Wright's book. I suggest follow up emails to these offices to determine what lawmakers thought of the book. I fear an absence of pressure will result in their ignoring the book. We all know the truth of the old aphorism: "You can elect a lawmakers to the statehouse, but you can't make 'em think."
House Courts of Justice Committee
Chairman: David B. Albo R DelDAlbo@house.Virginia.gov VCC
Vice Chair: Clifford L. Athey Jr. * R DelCAthey@house.Virginia.gov
Ward L. Armstrong D DelWArmstrong@house.Virginia.gov VCC
(Minority Leader)
William K. Barlow * D DelWBarlow@house.Virginia.gov
Robert B. Bell R DelRBell@house.Virginia.gov VCC
William Cleaveland * R DelWCleaveland@house.Virginia.gov
Benjamin L. Cline * R DelBCline@house.Virginia.gov
C. Todd Gilbert * R DelTGilbert@house.Virginia.gov VCSC
H. Morgan Griffith * R DelMGriffith@house.Virginia.gov
(Majority Leader)
Charniele L. Herring D DelCHerring@house.Virginia.gov
Patrick A. Hope D DelP Hope@house.virginia.gov
Salvatore R. Iaquinto R DelSIaquinto@house.Virginia.gov
William R. Janis R DelBJanis@house.Virginia.gov
Joseph P. Johnson Jr. D DelJJohnson@house.Virginia.gov
Terry G. Kilgore R DelTKilgore@house.Virginia.gov VCC
G. Manoli Loupassi R DelMLoupassi@house.Virginia.gov
Jennifer L. McClellan D DelJMcClellan@house.Virginia.gov
Jackson H. Miller R DelJMiller@house.Virginia.gov
Christopher Kilian Peace R DelCPeace@house.Virginia.gov
David J. Toscano D DelDToscano@house.Virginia.gov
Ron A. Villanueva R DelRVillanueva@house.Virginia.gov
Vivian E. Watts D DelVWatts@house.Virginia.gov
* On Both House Committees
VCC = On Virginia Crime Commission and received their book on December 15, 2009
VCSC= On Virginia Criminal Sentencing Commission
House Militia Police and Public Safety Committee
Chairman: Beverly J. Sherwood R DelBSherwood@house.Virginia.gov VCC
Vice Chair: Thomas C. Wright Jr. R DelTWright@house.Virginia.gov
Clifford L. Athey Jr. * R DelCAthey@house.Virginia.gov
William K. Barlow * D DelWBarlow@house.Virginia.gov
Charles W. Carrico Sr. R DelCCarrico@house.Virginia.gov
William Cleaveland * R DelWCleaveland@house.Virginia.gov
Benjamin L. Cline * R DelBCline@house.Virginia.gov
John A. Cox R DelJCox@house.Virginia.gov
James E. Edmunds R DelJEdmunds@house.Virginia.gov
C. Todd Gilbert * R DelTGilbert@house.Virginia.gov VCSC
H. Morgan Griffith * R DelMGriffith@house.Virginia.gov
(Majority Leader)
Matthew James D DelMJames@house.Virginia.gov
Mark L. Keam D DelMKeam@house.Virginia.gov
Lynwood W. Lewis Jr. D DelLLewis@house.Virginia.gov
L. Scott Lingamfelter R DelSLingamfelter@house.Virginia.gov
Donald W. Merricks R DelDMerricks@house.Virginia.gov
Paula J. Miller D DelPMiller@house.Virginia.gov
James W. Morefield R DelJMorefield@house.Virginia.gov
David A. Nutter R DelDNutter@house.Virginia.gov
James M. Scott D DelJScott@house.Virginia.gov
James M. Shuler D DelJShuler@house.Virginia.gov
Roslyn C. Tyler D DelRTyler@house.Virginia.gov
* = On Both House Committees
VCC = On Virginia Crime Commission and received their book on December 15, 2009
VCSC= On Virginia Criminal Sentencing Commission
Senate Courts of Justice Committee
Chairman: Henry L. Marsh III D district16@senate.Virginia.gov VCC &VCSC
R. Creigh Deeds D district25@senate.Virginia.gov
John S. Edwards D district21@senate.Virginia.gov
Janet D. Howell D district32@senate.Virginia.gov VCC
Robert Hurt R district19@senate.Virginia.gov
L. Louise Lucas D district18@senate.Virginia.gov
Ryan T. McDougle R district04@senate.Virginia.gov
Ralph S. Northam D district06@senate.Virginia.gov
Mark D. Obenshain R district26@senate.Virginia.gov
Toddy Puller D district36@senate.Virginia.gov
Fredrick M. Quayle R district13@senate.Virginia.gov
William Roscoe Reynolds D district20@senate.Virginia.gov
Richard L. Saslaw D district35@senate.Virginia.gov
Open Seat (was Cuccinelli)
Open Seat (was Stolle)
VCC = On Virginia Crime Commission and received their book on December 15, 2009
Once Fallen 2024 Annual Report
2 months ago
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